How do YOU select Your monthly charities?

Great question. The three charities that are selected each month are based upon a few criteria in no particular order: Need, alignment with Purpose Roaster’s core philosophies and values, and potential impact on individual lives and communities. In addition to local or regional charities, we plan to include causes around the nation as well. Our rationale is that it is not a matter of how large the cause is, or where it is located, but rather how large the impact is on the personal stories of those they serve.

Can I suggest a charity?

We are constantly researching new community needs and welcome your suggestions. While we cannot promise that suggestions will be used for current or future partner cause efforts, we guarantee that we will explore and consider every idea presented. If you have a suggestion or additional questions about our Partner Causes, please e-mail 

Can a charity be selected as a partner cause more than once?

Another great question. If a partner cause is selected as the recipient of Purpose Roaster proceeds for a given month, they are not eligible to receive another contribution until the following calendar year. Causes that are part of a monthly poll but are not selected (by your vote) are eligible to be a part of the poll again within the same calendar year.


Voting takes place 10 months out of the year.

October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  5% of bagged coffee profits go to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. 
NovemberAlzheimer's  Disease Month. 5% of bagged coffee profits go to the Alzheimer's Association Research Center.